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Thursday, December 30, 2010

bye bye 2010..hello 2011

today last day in year 2010..bye2 all memories in 2010...nothing special pn for this year..still same cm dlu gak..
stupid thing dat happened in year 2010

*still cant forget him*
*arguing with my best friend till now cant fix it back ;(- PIER*
*quit from UITM,COLLEGE*
*cant lose my weight ;( *
all this thing i want to fix it back..hope soooooo..like forget him, fix back my friendship. pray 4 me. :)

sweet memories happened in year 2010

*got new friends!*
*learn so many things about life*
*got new job*
hope for next year..i get a new life.. :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

coming soon!

pejam celik pejam celik...kte dah nk msuk 2011... pe azam korg untuk tahun 2011??

Monday, December 27, 2010


still guna yg neyh!!!
nk guna yg ni!!!

oh gosh!! siyes la...ak still use adobe cs2.. waaaa;( dah beli dh software cs4, but x leh nk install!! org len dh maju,ak je x lg..shit!.. since kej as admin enyh..ak byk improve ak pye skill using tool la kn..lau x,mmg xpnh nk explore..thanks to brother naim coz slalu mntk ak design bnde yg ak x pnh terpikir nk design n pk cmne nk wat kn.. :)


ok, dah masuk 10bulan kot ak ngn MR. P x ckp.. or dalam erti kata laen, kteorg gdo! Shit!siyesly..ak mmg nk fix kn blk our relation..tp entah la.x thu dh nk wt cmne..slh ak jugak sbb tgur cmtu..tp dats a reality!!hurm..de spe2 thu cmne nk fix blk relaltion yg tgh de problem???

Sunday, December 19, 2010

i want this!

okay.. aku nk sgt2 bende neyh..cmne nk dpt kn???hurm..simpan duit la der...nk simpan tu yg cm sush sket la kn.. hohhoho.. de spe2 nk tlg bg x??lalala

Friday, December 10, 2010

1month ago..

ok,dah sebulan lebey kot ak kt penang neyh. so far smua ok + ak dh de teman nk berbual even just dlm ofis.ok la tu kn. dr xde teman nk berbual.kang diam sgt2 kang bleh bisu kot. ;p
2nd teman ak tu husband somebody. so biase la kn,mulut org kn.ak bkn megatal pown ngn die,juz borak2,melawak je. tu pooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn jd mslh bg dorg2 tu kn. ye la dat guy not close ngn dorg,oppssss.... dlu pnh,tp pas dorg complain psl die pye peramah,tros die x bpe nk borak2 ngn dorg kn. lntak la..ak xksh pown whtever org nk ckp.bnde ak x buat pape pown. i know my self :)
thirdly, CONGRATS pd mber2,adik,sepupu2 ak yg dpt pointer 3 something ! im so very pround :)